Monday, February 25, 2013

Hey ASET is so's so fuuunn!!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera..

Long time menyepi tanpa sebarang new entry..just sedang dalam pencarian diri...haha..hey..what ASET? ASET stand for Accelerated Skills Enhancement Trainning...I joined the program for 6 weeks..The program can vanish your shyness to speak English, dance in front of people and sing out of loud...seyesly..with open your mind and be sporting..who care for others thinking..for sure without out from religion line. XD

Enjoy some pictures!!
it begins with 20 of us then reduce to 17 of us include cameraman..

 meeting role play
telefon karat game-ala-ala running man tu...lukis2..

some of our vision board during MAP session

one of the game to show how focus we are with the instruction with eyes closed
get ready for FLASHMOB in front of Wisma Belia's entrance

prepare for Talk Show recording

ketupat making as one of the activity under writing instruction and description module

Many games and sing as our energizer..our feveret games are power,snake,stone,water game like stone scissor,and water game and look down and look up game..when look up we need to see others face,if that other person look at us back then we need to scream and two of us are out..practice our cheer and class song..and of course learn several module..


This is us..until the last day..16 of us with our trainer Mrs. Jo
only 6 weeks but the rapport looks like has been built for a few months..

til we meet again at our graduation day this Thursday without Izzah and Adila..
Insya Allah..XD

with this one journey has passed...